Hydrotherapy in Veterinary Rehabilitation

Hydrotherapy is physiotherapy or rehabilitation programs performed in water. 

Swimming and walking in water are both forms of hydrotherapy. 

Walking in water can be facilitated by an underwater treadmill, or can be something you enjoy in the beautiful outdoor environment. There are many opportunities for us on the coast in the Newcastle and Hunter Region for walking in our waterways. 

Dog Overboard has a dog specific, public pool and provides a great opportunity for controlled rehabilitation swimming in the Newcastle region. 

There are many benefits to hydrotherapy, both in and outside of the physiotherapy or rehabilitation context. The first and undeniably major benefit of hydrotherapy is aerobic exercise and fitness conditioning. Swimming uses up energy faster than running, and you can condense a good aerobic workout for your pooch in 20-30 minutes. For dogs that can’t run, swimming can provide the workout they need to help manage their weight.

For a dog who has to be confined during the recovery process of an injury or surgical joint repair, sometimes hydrotherapy is the first real exercise they can participate in. We all know that when dogs have to be confined, it can be a very testing time for both you and your dog. Having an outlet for energy is helpful for everyone, and hydrotherapy is a great recovery tool for burning energy.

The great benefit of swimming for dogs is that their joints are protected from the additional wear and tear of running, fast or athletic directional changes and the stop and starts of a game like ball chasing. 

That means that a young dog can get a great, fun exercise outing and you are looking after their joints at the same time.

If you would like to know more about how hydrotherapy can benefit your dog in recovery…contact us and Dr. Lindy will be able to talk you through the options that are right for you.
